Monday, December 3, 2012

While You Were Sleeping...

While you were sleeping last night, Matthew & Steve Murries book While You Were Sleeping was released! 

This book is the perfect Christmas gift for any kid who wonders what happens when they go to sleep each night. I always thought my parents did this:

But Matt & Steve Murrie have finally revealed the truth in their new book

Here's just a taste of all the amazing things that happen each and every night while you snooze:

-Would you believe that the world’s largest migration occurs every night of the year? The migrating animals are not birds, mammals or insects but a fish that lives in the twilight zone of the world’s oceans. The bristlemouths travel around 3,280 feet (1,000 meters) from their daytime dwelling place to the shallow waters of the oceans to feed on the many, smaller fish and copepods that live up there. 
- The human brain does not “turn off” when you go to bed at night. There is evidence that suggests it may even be more active at night while you are sleeping, than while you’re awake during the day. Sleep scientists have discovered four kinds of brain waves; two of those waves are most active at night. 
-While you are closing your eyes at night, one plant, called the Seven Golden Candlesticks, closes up its leaves for the night. The Seven Golden Candlesticks is a tropical plant that produces a flower with yellow parts that look like candle wax. It has flowers on top of these yellow parts that are reddish orange which resembles a flame.

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